
graduation speech

Hello parents, teachers and of course class of 2018! I can not believe that we are so close to going to high school. I also cannot believe how fast we grew. It feels like just yesterday we were the miniscule 5th graders of the school. Now we are the gargantuan role models of the school. Soon to be gone. The eighth graders have so many memories here at GMS and Hynes. We had a lot of fun at all the field trips we went on. We will never forget the awesome teachers and the things they have done for us. All the teachers at Hynes and GMS have helped us even in the toughest times. These teachers always challenged us to do better and make us shine brighter. I can tell that all the incoming students moving a grade up will have great teachers to teach them and help them learn. Students that are coming, be nice to you teachers and they will be your best friends. I hope all the teachers will stay and teach here at GMS and Hynes forever. And you students, you have worked very hard to get to this m
Here are some ways of how to not prepare for the parcc test. One way is tune out the teacher when they are doing parcc practice with you. Another way is don’ Show up to school on parcc practice days and the actual parcc test. When you are doing the parcc just put random answers on the paper or just simply recycle the parcc test and/or rip the test in half. These are some reasons how to skip the parcc.
In the statement that Erika says you need to always choose love reminds me of a story of when I was small. It was my birthday and I got a really cool remote control car. My sister was jealous and she sat on it. She cracked the plastic. I got so mad, I had not gotten a gift receipt or something. I wanted to go and rip all my sisters Barbie dolls up, but I thought to myself and I forgave her. From now on I always think to myself choose love and forgive.

Picture blog

When my mom always tells me the story of this picture I always think why was I so bad. In this picture I was playing in the living room of my parents apartment. I was walking around the plant and I pulled it down. When it fell down I started crying because I got scared. My mom told me that she barely took the picture because she laughed so hard, even when I see the picture now I laugh. I was a bad baby. I remember when I took this picture like it was yesterday. It was the first time I took my bunny home. He was so excited to be in the back yard, he loved my moms flowers and plants so much, we even played hide and seek. His favorite food was carrots. My mom always got mad. He was the cutest pet I ever had.

What is HOME?

Home is a place where you feel love and that people care about you. Home is where you have safety. Home doesn't necessarily mean you need to have a big house. For Daniel in Daniels story he didn't have a big house but his family showed love to him. Home isn't necessarily a place, you can be in another house to make it home. As long as you have people loving and caring about you, you can make any place your home.


As the policeman pulled the sheet off, I knew I was kinda guilty. Let me tell you why. It was just an ordinary day for me, until I noticed a lady being followed by a strange man with a hoodie. As I continued to follow the man down the dark alley, he surrounded the lady and pulled out a blade. I then remembered my navy seal instincts, I grabbed the 2 by 4 next to the garbage and whacked the man on his head. As the woman thanks me for saving her life, I think of the possible outcomes to tell the police. I take the body and put it in my truck by the restaurant. I get to the police station and explain what happened. The policeman pulled the sheet off, once I saw his expression I knew I was in big trouble. The policeman grabs me and handcuffs me. I knew I was going to jail. All that matters is that the woman is safe.

October sky review

The movie October sky is a great movie to watch. It may be sad in some parts but it shows a lot of perseverance in the movie. The main character Homer Hickham sees sputnick a drone that the Russians launched in space October 5, 1957. Homer seeing that drone inspired him to be a engineer in rocket building. Homer had to persevere in a lot of ways but spoiler alert in the end his dreams came true. This movie is a great movie to watch and it might get you crying.